eLearning for Instructors
eLearning Training for Faculty
Instructor Resources
eLearning Procedures
Account Access
- Students: A student can log into eLearning until approximately one year after the student leaves the university. (Please Note – Student access to academic courses in eLearning is restricted to the semester in which the course runs. For example, a student enrolled in a Fall 2022 course can access this course in eLearning during the Fall 2022 semester.)
- Faculty & Staff: HR will determine if a faculty/staff member who is leaving the university requires continued access to web applications (including eLearning). If HR determines this access is needed, the user can log into eLearning until approximately three years after leaving the university.
- Retirees: HR will determine if a retiree requires continued access to web applications (including eLearning). If HR determines this access is needed, the user can log into eLearning for an unspecified period of time (determined by HR or the department).
Section Creation
eLearning sections are automatically created for every academic class, typically around two months prior to the semester start. An announcement will be sent out to all faculty when a semester’s sections have been created and are available to faculty.
Cross-list/Combining eLearning Sections
Instructors have the ability to merge/combine two or more sections together in eLearning. Instances in which sections can be merged include (but are not limited to):
- Cross-listed classes
Example: CS/CE 1301.001 — Students who are CS majors get credit for CS 1301; students who are CE majors get credit for CE 1301. - Teaching several sections of one class
Example: BIOL 1101.001/002/003/501 — Instructor teaches four sections of the same class; however, she does not want to create content four times, so she merges her sections into one in eLearning. - Orion-Combined (Cross-Listed) Courses: Courses that are listed as combined/cross-listed in Orion (e.g. CE/CS 2305.001) will automatically be merged in eLearning, typically around one month prior to the start of the semester.
Merge Course Tool: If you’re teaching multiple sections of the same course (e.g. ACCT 6334.001 and ACCT 6334.002), you can use the Merge Course Tool to manually merge these courses in eLearning. This tool will become available approximately one month prior to the start of the semester. TUTORIAL: How to use the Merge Course Tool
Edit Existing Merged Course: If you would like to change an existing merge, please submit the Change Existing Course Merge form.
Archived eLearning Course Policy
eLearning sections will remain on the server and be available to instructors for four semesters. Each section will be available for the semester it is offered, plus three semesters (For instance, a Fall 2010 offering would be available for Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Summer 2011 and Fall 2011. In other words, it will be available until the end of the Fall 2011 semester).
The sections will then be removed from the server and retained as archived files for an additional three semesters. These archived files will not be readily accessible by instructors, but can be restored by the eLearning office if necessary (for grade disputes, etc.). After this period, the sections will be permanently deleted (a fall 2010 course would be deleted after the fall 2012 semester).
Course Access Policy
Add User requests are handled through Orion. Instructors can follow the relevant instructions below to add their Teaching Assistant or course support user to their course:
If you have any questions about the process, please contact the Registrar at scheduling@utdallas.edu. (Note: Only instructors should contact the Registrar at this address.)
Course Extension for Incompletes
When a new semester starts, students will no longer have access to the previous semester courses. For any students who need to complete a previous semester course with an “Incomplete” grade, the instructor of the record can submit this Course Extension for Incompletes Request
Course Early Opening
All eLearning courses will be accessible to students at the first day of the semester. If any instructors would like to make their courses available to students prior to the first day of the semester, they can submit this Course Early Open Request. PLEASE NOTE: courses can only be opened up to one month prior to the semester start.