Educational Technology Services


Turnitin is a plagiarism prevention system which is used by hundreds of institutions worldwide, and the list of schools using is growing every day. It is the world's most widely recognized and trusted resource for helping prevent Internet plagiarism.

Using Turnitin with eLearning

Turnitin can be used inside eLearning without creating a Turnitin account. (Instructions)

Using Turnitin without eLearning

To use Turnitin outside of eLearning, please email the Office of Community Standards and Conduct at to request your Instructor account. Login Information

  • From there follow the prompt screens to establish a class site and submit papers.
  • Reports are generated in 24 hours.
  • You must log on to check the report.
  • There is an on line help site and email for questions.
  • Detailed instructions for faculty and students are available to download.

To request for training workshop on Turnitin, please email