eLearning for Students
Getting Started with eLearning
Online Learning Guide
The Comet Path for Online Learning is a self-paced learning module that provides helpful information for students who are taking a fully online course at UTD.
Students will learn the following:
- Time management
- Hardware devices
- Popular eLearning functions
- Other resources for success at UTD
Technical Requirements
In addition to a confident level of computer and Internet literacy, certain minimum technical requirements must be met to enable a successful learning experience.
Browsers and Operating Systems
- Check browser and operating system requirements for Blackboard Learn (Original Course View)
- Note: Internet Explorer is no longer supported. Students should not use Internet Explorer to submit assignments or take tests.
- Microsoft Office 365 (Login required) supported by UT Dallas Office of Information Technology (OIT) is available for all students to use.
- Your course may use Microsoft Teams for class meetings and Microsoft Stream for accessing recorded class lectures and sessions. Please see a list of resources and tutorials, provided by OIT, below:
- Below is a list of recommended free tools that are available:
- Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Media player: VLC media player
- FTP: FileZilla
Course Access and Navigation
Students must have a UT Dallas NetID and password to log into the eLearning server and access the course.
New students can go to the UT Dallas NetID Self-Service page to activate their account. Students can use this account to access their UT Dallas eLearning classes plus other UTD computing systems (such as your UT Dallas email account).
Please note that your account password must be updated every year. Users will receive a reminder message to their UT Dallas email accounts from OIT prior to the password expiration. To update the account password, please log in to the NetID webpage. For more information, please visit the NetID FAQ’s page.
Students can access their courses by loggin in to eLearning. Courses may be accessed after the semester starts. Once logged in, students will see the Institution Page, as shown in the image below.

Students can select “Courses” from the left menu bar to see a list of their active courses. Students can then click on the course title to access their course.
eLearning Tools and Functionality
There are several built-in tools your instructors may utilize to facilitate learning, communication, interaction, and collaboration. Examples include Discussion Boards, Groups, and Blackboard Collaborate, to name a few. If you’re unfamiliar with any tool your instructor plans to use, please review the video tutorials on the eLearning Tutorials page to better familiarize yourself with these tools.
Email – To access UT Dallas’ student email, please visit Galaxy. To learn more about email at UTD, please visit OIT’s Individual UTD Email webpage. For assistance with your UTD email account, please contact OIT directly.