The University of Texas at Dallas
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Online Teaching Certification

The eLearning Team offers Online Teaching Certifications to faculty (full-time and adjunct) and Graduate Teaching Assistants (including Post-Doctoral associates) who have instructional responsibilities.


The program is online, self-paced, and allows instructors to experience the online tools and educational environment as students prior to teaching. The learning materials focus on pedagogy, University policies and processes, Blackboard 9.1 functionality, and other educational technology tools.


  1. Explain how online pedagogy differs from traditional classroom teaching pedagogy.
  2. To identify policies and practices that pertain to online courses.
  3. To observe a working model of an online course within eLearning.
  4. To experience the online student’s perspective.
  5. To create reusable eLearning content.


Two levels of the program are currently offered. Level 1 is open for enrollment. Level 2 is being piloted and those completing level 1 will have the opportunity to enroll.

Level 1 Overview

This level covers the basic pedagogical framework for teaching online, UTD policies and procedures pertaining to online/ hybrid courses, and Blackboard 9.1 course building tools. The time required to complete this level is approximately 13 hours.

Level 1 Learning Outcomes

  1. Explain basics of online pedagogy.
  2. Apply Title 19 framework and University procedures to academic scenarios.
  3. Conceptualize an online course and outline an online syllabus.
  4. Demonstrate basic course building skills within Blackboard 9.1.

Who should enroll

As this Level covers basics, it would benefit instructors who are new to UT Dallas, or starting to teach online/ blended courses at the University. It would also benefit Graduate Teaching Assistants (including Post-Doctoral associates) with teaching responsibilities.

Program Contact

For enquiries or to enroll, please contact Roopa Vinay.